JavaScript Exercises

Lately I have been focusing on developing my knowledge of JavaScript as I feel that the ability to write custom JavaScript is the weak spot in my skill set. Whilst doing so I have found books and online resources to be an excellent source of knowledge.

However one area that I have found both these resources to be lacking in is the reinforcement of this knowledge through practical application. To help me practice and further develop my skills I have been setting myself exercises. I am posting both these and my solutions here for future reference and to aid anyone else that may wish to practice.

Exercise 1

Display today’s date on the page in the following format: November 25, 2010.

var currentTime = new Date();
				var year = currentTime.getFullYear();
				var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1;
				var day = currentTime.getDate();

				if (month == 01){
					month = "January";
				else if (month == 02){
					month = "February";
				else if (month == 03){
					month = "March";
				else if (month == 04){
					month = "April";
				else if (month == 05){
					month = "May";
				else if (month == 06){
					month = "June";
				else if (month == 07){
					month = "July";
				else if (month == 08){
					month = "August";
				else if (month == 09){
					month = "September";
				else if (month == 10){
					month = "October";
				else if (month == 11){
					month = "November";
				else if (month == 12){
					month = "December";
				document.write(month + " " + day + ", " + year + ".");

See the Pen %= penName % by Wayne Moir (@waynemoir) on CodePen

Exercise 2

Display the last modified date of the document.

var fileModified = document.lastModified;
document.write("This file was last modified: " + fileModified);

See the Pen %= penName % by Wayne Moir (@waynemoir) on CodePen

Exercise 3

Display a greeting based on the time of day. For example; Good Morning if it is in the morning or Good Afternoon if it is the afternoon.

				var currentTime = new Date();
				var hour = currentTime.getHours();
				if (hour >= 6 && hour <= 12 ){
				} else if (hour >= 13 && hour <= 18 ){
				} else if (hour >= 18 && hour <= 22 ){
				} else {

See the Pen %= penName % by Wayne Moir (@waynemoir) on CodePen

Wayne Moir

User Experience Designer