Technical Web Typography

Typography is a design element that has always fascinated me, when done well it instantly impresses and makes communicating the message appear effortless. Good typography is something I have always strived for, but is often the element that I am least satisfied with in my designs; no matter how hard I work at it I never seem to be able to get it quite right.

An example of technical typography

Being a skill that I have wanted to improve upon for some time I was excited by the recent Technical Web Typography: Guidelines and Techniques article on Smashing Magazine and decided to put the techniques covered into practice.

I found this very informative and extremely easy to follow; it has certainly filled a few gaps in my typography knowledge. I would recommend reading this article to anyone looking to improve on their typography and I am looking forward forward to applying the results to this site. You can view the demo I created whilst following this article below.


Wayne Moir

User Experience Designer